Algorithms for Walking, Running, Swimming, Flying, and Manipulation
© Russ Tedrake, 2024
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Note: These are working notes used for a course being taught at MIT. They will be updated throughout the Spring 2024 semester. Lecture videos are available on YouTube.
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The term "motion planning" is a quite general term which almost certainly encompasses the dynamic programming, feedback design, and trajectory optimization algorithms that we have already discussed. However, there are a number of algorithms and ideas that we have not yet discussed which have grown from the idea of formulating motion planning as a search problem -- for instance searching for a path from a start to a goal in a graph which is too large to fit in memory. In order to deal with the continuous domains that are common in robotics, these algorithms often rely on randomized sampling.
My goal for this chapter is to introduce these additional tools into our toolkit. For robotics, they will play a particularly valuable role when the planning problem is geometrically complex (e.g. a robot moving around obstacles in 3D) or the optimization landscape is very nonconvex, because these are the problems where the nonlinear trajectory optimization formulations that we've studied before will potentially suffer badly from local minima. Many of these algorithms were developed initially for discrete or purely kinematic planning problems; a major theme of this chapter will be the adaptations that allow them to work for systems with dynamic constraints (including underactuated systems).
For decades, many AI researchers felt that the route to creating intelligent machines was to collect large ontologies of knowledge, and then perform very efficient search. Some notable examples from this storied history include Samuel's checker players, automated theorem proving, Cyc, and Deep Blue playing chess.
Indeed, thanks to decades of research, planning algorithms in AI have also scaled to impressive heights, making efficient use of heuristics and factorizations to solve impressively large planning instances. Since 1998, the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) has been hosting regular planning competitions which have helped to solidify problem specification formats and to benchmark the state of the art.
These algorithms have focused on primarily on logical/discrete planning (although they do support "objects", and so can have a sort of open vocabulary). In the context of these notes, these approaches are most closely related to the discrete-state, discrete-action, discrete-time planning problems that we discussed to introduce dynamic programming as graph search. Dynamic programming is a very efficient algorithm to solve for the cost-to-go from every state, but if we only need to find an (optimal) path from a single start state to the goal, we can potentially do better. In particular, in order to scale to very large planning instances, one of the essential ideas is the idea of "incremental" search, which can avoid ever putting the entire (often exponentially large and sometimes even infinite) graph into memory.
Is it possible to guarantee that we've found an optimal path from a start to a goal without visiting every node? Yes! Indeed, one of the key insights that powers these incremental algorithms is the use of admissible heuristics to guide the search -- an approximate cost-to-go which is guaranteed to never over-estimate the cost-to-go. A great example of this would be searching for directions on a road map -- the Euclidean distance from the start to the goal ("as the crow flies") is guaranteed to never over-estimate the true cost to go (which is to stay on the roads). Perhaps most famous search algorithm to leverage these heuristics is A*. In robotics, we often use online planning extensions, such as D* and D*-Lite.
The A* algorithm solves a shortest-path problem on a graph defined by vertices
$v \in V$, with source vertex, $v_s$ and target vertex, $v_t$, and (weighted)
edges defined implicitly by a function
which returns the set of vertices reachable from
$v$. We additionally define:
Using these definitions, the A* algorithm can be written as follows:
A* has a remarkable property: if $\tilde{h}(v)$ is an admissible heuristic, then A* will never expand paths for which $\tilde{f}(p) > f(v_s).$ Take a minute to appreciate that! If the heuristic $\tilde{h}(v)$ is the optimal cost to go, then A* will only visit vertices that are on the optimal path!
Unfortunately, the flip side of this is that A* will expand all paths in the graph for which $\tilde{f}(p) < f(v_s).$ Stronger heuristics lead to more performant/scalable search.
In addition to their empirical performance, there are a handful of features that one might like to understand about incremental planning algorithms like A*. A first is the notion of completeness; a planning algorithm is complete if it is guaranteed to find a feasible path from the start to the goal if one exists. A second is the notion of optimality (of the returned solution); an optimal planning algorithm is one that is guaranteed to find the optimal path. The A* algorithm is both complete and optimal.
In addition to approximate cost-to-go functions, there are numerous other
heuristics that power state-of-the-art large-scale logical search algorithms.
Another important one is factorization. For a robotics example, consider a robot
manipulating many possible objects -- it's reasonable to plan the manipulation of
one object assuming it's independent of the other objects and then to revise that
plan only when the optimal plan ends up putting two objects on intersecting paths.
Many of these heuristics are summarized nicely in the Fast Downward
Some of the most visible success stories in deep learning today still make use of planning. For example: DeepMind's AlphaGo and AlphaZero combine the planning algorithms developed over the years in discrete games , notably Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), with learned heuristics in the form of policies and value functions. Finding ways to connect Large-Language Models (LLMs) with planning to support longer-term reasoning is an extremely active area of research.
How can we generalize powerful incremental algorithms like A* to continuous domains for motion planning?
As typical in this literature, let us start by considering kinematic planning problems; in these problems we only consider the positions (e.g. configurations), $\bq$, and do not consider velocities or accelerations. In the simplest version of the problem, any path between configurations $\bq_1$ and $\bq_2$ that is collision free is considered feasible.
If we choose a fixed discretization of the configuration space, like the ones that I used when introducing dynamic programming, then we will have sacrificed completeness (and therefore also optimality). For instance, we could have a narrow corridor in configuration space between obstacles -- a path could exist but it could be easily missed by a fixed discretization. So naturally one must consider discretization as an iterative procedure, and start by analyzing the completeness of the planner the limit of infinite iterations. We use the term resolution complete to describe an algorithm that is complete as the resolution becomes arbitrarily fine. One can invoke minor assumptions, like assuming that feasible paths are not infinitely narrow, to argue that an algorithm which increases the resolution until finding a solution (if it exists) will terminate in a finite number of iterations.
More popular is a variant which is even simpler to implement, and surprisingly
effective in practice. Rather than a fixed discretization, let us sample points from
a uniform random distribution over the configuration space, and reject samples that
are in collision. We can add edges in the graph to any neighbors for which the
straight-line path to the neighbor is collision-free. This allows us to build a
"probabilistic roadmap" over the configuration space offline
The PRM algorithm separates the computation into two phases: an offline phase which builds the roadmap, and an online phase which finds a path using that roadmap from a new start to a new goal.
PRMs are a simple idea but surprisingly effective in practice, at least up to
let's say 10 dimensions. The most expensive steps of the algorithm are the nearest
neighbor queries and the collision detection queries that are called not only on the
sampled vertices, but also for the edges. Candidate edges are typically checked for
collisions by sampling densely along the edge and performing many point collision
detection queries, but algorithms with stronger guarantees do exist (c.f.
Even for kinematic motion planning, we might which to impose dynamic constraints which require the path to be continuously differentiable (up to some degree), and perhaps to respect velocity, acceleration, or other limits.
Post-processing PRM outputs.
Kinematic trajectory optimization w/ GCS (using sampling to generate the regions).
Thinking about how to extend the PRM to accommodate dynamic constraints leads up to a slightly different, and also wildly popular, algorithm, known as the RRT.
Let us denote the data structure which contains the tree as ${\cal T}$. The algorithm is very simple:
Although this "straw-man" algorithm is probabilistically complete, it
is certainly not efficient. After expanding 1000 nodes, the tree is
basically a mess of node points all right on top of each other:
We're nowhere close to the goal yet, and this is a particularly easy problem instance.
The idea of generating a tree of feasible points has clear advantages, but it seems that we have lost the ability to mark a region of space as having been sufficiently explored. It seems that, to make randomized algorithms effective, we are going to at the very least need some form of heuristic for encouraging the nodes to spread out and explore the space.
RRT*, RRT-sharp, RRTx, ...
Kinodynamic-RRT*, LQR-RRT(*)
Complexity bounds and dispersion limits
Cell decomposition...
Approximate decompositions for complex environments (e.g. IRIS)
In this we will write code for the Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT). Building on this implementation we will also implement RRT*, a variant of RRT that converges towards an optimal solution.
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